TriCo Regional Sewer Utility

The official website of TriCo Regional Sewer Utility


The purpose of the laboratory is to ensure treated wastewater meets the standards of the state and federal government before it is released into the Little Eagle Creek. These regulations have been set up to prevent harmful pollutants from being released into the environment. Another role of the wastewater laboratory is to provide treatment plant personnel with information and data valuable to the operation of the plant. By monitoring the wastewater throughout the entire treatment process, the lab can provide analytical data that affects plant operational decisions.
The wastewater chemist performs tests on the treated wastewater and keeps records that are reported to the government monthly. These records are required to keep the plant in compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.
Tests performed for our NPDES permit include:
  • E-coli (bacterial testing)
  • Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (also called CBOD)
  • Total suspended solids
  • Ammonia
  • Total Phosphorous
  • pH
  • Dissolved Oxygen
Other samples collected at the plant, and sent to other labs for completion include:
  • Mercury
  • WET (test for toxicity to aquatic life)
  • Solids tests on biosolids
Tests are performed using EPA-approved methodology. The lab personnel are tested once a year through the Discharge Monitoring Report Quality Assurance (DMRQA). The DMRQA is a blind sample test given to make sure the chemist is using correct methods and is proficient in performing the tests.

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7236 Mayflower Park Dr
Zionsville, IN 46077
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