TriCo Regional Sewer Utility

The official website of TriCo Regional Sewer Utility

Private Development

The process starts by determining whether your project is within the Utility's service area and which governmental authority it's under. The Utility provides sewer services in four different planning and zoning jurisdictions: the City of Carmel, the Town of Zionsville, the Boone County Area Planning Commission, and Marion County.
The associated fees to extend and/or connect to the sewer are below:
Interceptor Fee $4,075 per acre
Connection Fee
$2,083 per EDU (Equivalent Dwelling Unit) Equals 310 gallons per day
Application Fee $150 Per EDU 
Plan Review & Inspection Fees for Mainline Construction
$5.00 per linear foot of gravity sewer or force main*
Plan Review & Inspection Fees for Lift Stations
$.04 per gallon*

*Additional charges shall be assessed and collected at any time the Utility incurs inspection expenses in excess of the minimum charges provided, but such additional charges shall be limited to the excess expense.

Contact Us

Ryan Hartman
Ryan Hartman,
District Engineer

In this Department

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